Installing and using postfix will give you ability to view mails processed by it: # print a list of all…
You can try to pick ‘root – Drop to root shell prompt‘ from Recovery Menu sudo fdisk -l mount…
Let’s encrypt was created with one goal in mind, which was create secure platform that will give everybody ability to…
If we would like to hide version of our bind server and make it harder for bot to sniff what…
Sometimes we can forget main password for PostgreSQL. We should edit config file: vim /etc/postgresql/<version>/main/pg_hba.conf local all postgres peer Restart…
Often we can encounter server that started to send spam (infected page, virus inside php file, bad plugin). If its…
Default pure-ftpd settings store logs thru ‘syslog’. Thanks to this we can forward logs inside syslog/rsyslog. # inside /etc/syslogd.conf file…
You want to create encrypted compressed file? Nothing simpler ! *** The idea of a lot of application inside Linux…
*** If it is possible do this operation in environment without internet access *** mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables mysql –user=root mysql update…
On Linux: dig -x ip.address ### or ### host ip.address On Windows: nslookup ip.address