If we want for squid logs to rotate same as the system logs because we don’t want one big blob…
We download lots of pictures: cats, dog and weird things from image boards and other sites from web. Most of…
Sometimes you install software from outside of repository, sometimes you compile your package or install binary. There are few methods…
This command is very useful in case you run out of i-nodes and you cannot save any more files. find…
Sometimes after manul removing config files and then reinstall package you end up missing .conf file from that package (ex.…
vim /etc/update-motd.d/10-stats
pdbedit -P “min password length” -C 8 pdbedit -P “password history” -C 4 #maximum password age value in seconds, -1…
Temporary solution: sudo mount -t cifs //netbiosname/sharename /media/sharename -o username=winusername,password=winpassword,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 Permanent solution: touch /root/.smbcredentials chmod 700 /root/.smbcredentials echo ‘username=winusername password=winpassword’…
echo -e “new_passwordnnew_password” | (smbpasswd -a -s $USER)
#cmd arp –s IP_address MAC:ADDRESS telnet IP_ADD root / store tcpip 1 addr ip_address mask mask_address store tcpip route add…