DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) – is an email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing by providing a mechanism to allow receiving mail exchangers to check that incoming mail from a domain is authorized by that domain’s administrators. It is intended to prevent forged sender addresses in emails, a technique often used in phishing and email spam. – Wikipedia
This is a continuation of topic about fighting against spam when you are self-hosting your mail server which in this case should be Postfix.
Install needed packages:
#debian/ubuntu apt-get install opendkim opendkim-tools
Let us configure opendkim, if 12301port is use by some other service change it in below configuration:
#vim /etc/opendkim.conf OversignHeaders From AutoRestart Yes AutoRestartRate 10/1h UMask 002 Syslog yes SyslogSuccess Yes LogWhy Yes Canonicalization relaxed/simple ExternalIgnoreList refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts InternalHosts refile:/etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts KeyTable refile:/etc/opendkim/KeyTable SigningTable refile:/etc/opendkim/SigningTable Mode sv PidFile /var/run/opendkim/ SignatureAlgorithm rsa-sha256 UserID opendkim:opendkim Socket inet:12301@localhost
#vim /etc/default/opendkim SOCKET="inet:12301@localhost"
Add support for this tool inside postfix:
#vim /etc/postfix/ milter_protocol = 2 milter_default_action = accept smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:12301 non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:12301
If we already have something in lines smtpd_milters i/lub non_smtpd_milters we can add new tools after comma.
Create needed folders and configuration files, which we used as table source in configuration above:
mkdir -p /etc/opendkim/keys #vim /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts localhost * external_ip_of_server #vim /etc/opendkim/KeyTable #vim /etc/opendkim/SigningTable *
Let us generate keys to use with DKIM:
mkdir /etc/opendkim/keys/ cd /etc/opendkim/keys/ opendkim-genkey -s mail -d chown opendkim:opendkim mail.private
Now we need to add proper key to TXT record in our DNS server:
cat /etc/opendkim/keys/ #bind9 TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=VALUE_THAT_WE_GO_FROM_CAT_COMMAND_ABOVE" IN TXT "dkim=unknown" # unknown-some messages are sign some are not # all-all messages are sign # discardable - all messages are sign, if not discard them
We need to restart every service that we just edit configuration file:
service postfix restart service opendkim restart service bind9 restart
To ensure we configure this properly the best way would be send email to service that check this for us, for example: check-auth(at)
Rest post related to this topic:
Postfix i Dovecot – perfect duo for mail server
Fight against spam part 1 – Postfix SPF
Fight against spam part 3 – Postfix DMARC