This one is really tricky. You can spam CTRL + F5 all day but firefox will still remember Redirection 301.…
From time to time there is a need to replace some text inside database, there is no problem when its…
When you need make a working copy of your database for example to use with copy of your wordpress site,…
From time to time we need to use cli without mouse support. But there is nothing to be afraid. There…
tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz full-file-path-inside-archive # to get that specific file you need full path try tar -tzf archive.tar.gz | grep…
If you don’t have working Nagios installation fell free to follow Nagios – New installation on Debian 9 link. We…
For starters I wouldn’t co all the paranoic about Mozilla getting some telemetry as most of them are not about…
From long time now I been using getPocket on daily basis – it main straight been big compatibility with IFTTT…
When we are using multiply monitor setup sometimes badly coded application vanish from our eye sight . With this little…